For Nout

This is for you my sweet twinbro

For Nout

The project “For Nout” is a tribute to my beloved twin brother, Nout Schepman, who left us far too soon on August 19, 2024. Nout was a remarkable soul who left the world a little more beautiful and loving. While painting my last two pieces for the United World in Diversity project, I realized that I was unconsciously more focused on grieving than on the country I was painting. This felt like a disservice to both Nout and the United World in Diversity project, which is why I decided to start a new initiative: the project “For Nout.”

Through this project, I aim to process my grief while also honoring the person Nout was. Nout strongly believed in the power of the master number 33. Therefore, I have decided to create 33 paintings, each painted to the beat of one of Nout’s favorite songs, or a song I intuitively select that relates to my mourning. Each painting is a form of abstract, intuitive expression, in which I capture my emotions about Nout and the loss on canvas. By playing the song on repeat while painting, I enter a trance-like state where I feel deeply connected to him.

For the paintings, I exclusively use organic oil paints and natural, sustainable products, in line with Nout’s love for nature. More information on this can be found at

The Master Number 33


The number 33 is considered a master number, offering a unique potential for growth towards higher consciousness. It is associated with healing, compassion, and Christ consciousness, radiating love, honesty, courage, and resourcefulness. People who resonate with this number are always ready to help others and often prioritize others’ needs above their own desires.

33 is also known as the “Christ vibration,” the highest level of love vibration, where compassion and universal love for all existence are central. This energy can manifest as service, both on a small scale within family or community, and on a larger scale, serving society, nature, or humanity as a whole. The number 33 is seen as one of the most challenging master numbers, as it represents conscious service, tolerance, understanding, healing, and self-sacrifice.

With these 33 paintings, I hope not only to process my grief but also to make tangible the love and compassion that Nout embodied.

2. David Bowie – Lazarus

Canvas 80 cm X 100 cm


met David Bowie

1. Bob Marley – One Love 

Canvas 60 cm X 100 cm

Get in Touch


De Havenloods,
Nijverheidsweg 6 te Utrecht

Studio 062


06- 47316560

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